Virtual Eucharist Adoration

Virtual Eucharist Adoration
We adore You O Christ and we bless You, because by Your holy cross You have redeeemed the world!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Long time no blog

And so it is in the world of blogging -- it has been like forever since I have blogged. It is crazy around my house - I have children on 5 different basketball teams. That is just the beginning of the craziness but enough if you know anything about basketball. Everyone has practices, everyone has games we could go to a ball game every night but Sunday some weeks. Sometimes I have to choose which game to go to. I do have an "away game rule" which I might have mentioned during football. I don't go to away games for highschoolers with the following exceptions: it is one of the 2 nearby schools, you are a Senior, or you are playing MY highschool and there is no other game that night. I MAY go - still no promises. My dh, he only goes to home games, once for the younger kids and then occasionally for the older ones.
More information than you wanted ---


Today's Mass Readings