Virtual Eucharist Adoration

Virtual Eucharist Adoration
We adore You O Christ and we bless You, because by Your holy cross You have redeeemed the world!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Two Lovely Bloggie Awards from Jingle

One of my new bloggy friends - Jingle has given me not just ONE but TWO lovely awards!
She is an amazing poet and you will love visiting her blog.


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

thanks for posting and sharing!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

visit my blogger account,
at times I give followers awards too...
thanks for the time and attention!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Congratulations on the award! Thanks for visiting my blog and telling me you saw a Chihuly exhibit in Indy. I wonder where that was.... One commentor said she saw an exhibit at the Children's Museum.

Today's Mass Readings