Virtual Eucharist Adoration

Virtual Eucharist Adoration
We adore You O Christ and we bless You, because by Your holy cross You have redeeemed the world!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Beautiful Daughter #1 gets her drivers liscence

liscence to drive!! Scary for mom but liberating for bd#1. She did awesome, only missing 1 question on the test. It would have been a quick in and out but the school had messed up and so we had to go all the way back to school and get a letter and transcript saying she had passed the driving part of drivers ed and take it back to the bmv. Then they wanted her to verify her SS# - thankfully her dad was home and could find it. That was a miracle - he is rarely home during the day. She was so thrilled to drive her dad's bmw to school. He wasn't thrilled however! I am excited to have another driver to help around here. She just might take over grocery shopping! Hurray!!

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Today's Mass Readings