Virtual Eucharist Adoration

Virtual Eucharist Adoration
We adore You O Christ and we bless You, because by Your holy cross You have redeeemed the world!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sew yourself a morsbag and save the world

OK that might be exaggerating a bit, but I don't know. Don't all us earthy crunchy types love to do these things? FYI, I cannot sew. I have a lovely machine I got for Christmas 18 years ago and have only made 1 pair of toddler pants. I just don't get it. I have taken lessons 3 - yes 3 times and still cannot hem a pair of pants. Yes, I am 5 foot tall, thankfully clothes are made now for short people. It wasn't so easy in the olden days not to be able to hem. Yes, my name is Christy and I cannot sew.
HOWEVER, I think I could do this. It is just a bunch of straight lines. I am going to try. I will post a picture if it turns out - or if it doesn't you all can see how craft impaired I am. I am hoping to make a bunch to use as Christmas gift bags. Just need to find some material at a garage sale and I am set!
Go here for a tutorial - pdf, or word do or even an animation of how to make a morsbag.
God Bless,

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Today's Mass Readings